The Conflagration Seen from the Hisamatsu District (1877-1882) - Kobayashi Kiyochika

A recap of 2024

2024 was a year full of ups and downs. But looking back, I can say that I achieved various goals and collected plenty of memories. In this post, I will recap 2024 and share my plans for 2025. Indie Hacking 2024: ✅ Launched 2 products 2025: 🏃‍♂️‍➡️ Launch 3 products 🏃‍♂️‍➡️ Reach 5K€ MRR 2024 was a successful year, in terms of projects. I have finally achieved my long-time goal of releasing projects on the side while working full-time. Of course, this required me to sacrifice some evenings and weekends, but gladly there isn’t much to do in Berlin during Winter other than drinking. ...

February 7, 2025 · 9 min · Serhat M. Dündar
Snow at Ochanomizu (1880) - Kobayashi Kiyochika

Disassociating corporate habits

Recently, I have been fascinated by the idea of building a digital micro-business and I started making efforts in this direction in my free time. In the beginning, I was thinking of doing what I’ve been always doing for the last 15 years, and writing code to develop solutions to the problems I observed and collected with minimal effort. How hard could it be? I have been coding for many years, and I already had solid proof of being able to develop complex software that can deal with millions of users simultaneously. The challenge of developing small tools that can ease the lives of some seemed the easiest considering what I’ve done and built so far. I was confident. ...

December 9, 2024 · 6 min · Serhat M. Dündar
Halage En Hollande (1867) - Johan Barthold Jongkind

A recap of 2023

Looking back, 2023 wasn’t a bad year at all. There are many events that I’m happy about and that I want to log and many moments I want to remember. Habits As a smoker for 17 years who tried all possible quitting methods, such as nicotine gums, e-cigarettes/vapors, and varenicline medicines (chantix®/champix®, etc.), I finally stopped smoking. It’s hard to explain where I got the motivation from, but one day I decided not to smoke and I’ve not smoked since then. While I quit smoking, I also quit synthetic sugar at the same time, and I believe this really helped with my quitting process. Combining to quit these two habits worked for me as my cravings were mainly about synthetic sugar, instead of nicotine. ...

January 8, 2023 · 4 min · Serhat M. Dündar